I will show you the process to invest ... be a SMART WHALE bro! Take your time ... if you need help click on the telegram button below

1.Download metamask

Click on the fox head and follow the steps.
Don't forget to take a paper to write you're 12 world key ... give it to no one.


Go on BYBIT and create your account it's free.
For buying some BNB (we need it to buy THESMARTWHALE Token), I will show you how to do it below.

3.Click here

Choose USD or EUR(if european) and BNB
Click buy with... and follow the step-> wait to receive.
Now you receive it GG SMART WHALE! We need to send it to your metamask wallet to be on the Blockchain...
Follow me :)

How to send from BYBIT to your wallet

1. Go back on your metamask wallet go to top left->click on ETH->ADD NETWORK->BNB (if you never do it, you're now on bsc main net)
2. Go on middle top of your wallet and copy your address'
3. Now go back to BYBIT.
4. Go on asset click on the USD value open it.
Select BNB->withdraw->copy you're adress->Chain Type BSC (BEP20) ->All->Confirm
Now wait a few seconds to receive it in you're wallet ;) SMART WHALE ;)

Ok now click on THE SMART WHALE below we gonna buy TSW SDtoken

Go to the top right of the site and connect your wallet->Follow the steps don't be afraid like me the first time not accompanied ^^
Now you can put some BNB->max-> and buy this super THESMARTWHALE SDtoken


Thank's to be here, I wish you the best.

© Made with love by THE SMART WHALE